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As opposed to a common notion, the European Ballroom dances routine is just as diverse in its variety as the Latin school of dancing… Despite the fact that both of these two go together as one ballroom dancing standard, there are some drastic differences between those two.Starting with how the performance, routine, and the moves vary and finishing with the authenticity that each of the dance styles has…

So, without any further ado, please meet the ultimate European dancing styles:

The foxtrot is definitely one of the most universal dancing styles. It is meant by its design to become a laying foundation for anyone willing to start learning the ballroom dancing program. It can be danced at slow, medium or fast tempos. This characterizes it as relatively easy for gliding  smoothly and gracefully across the floor for dancers of all skill levels.

The dance was named after vaudeville performer Harry Fox, and it quickly pushed aside the other “trots” popular in the ragtime era. The American Smooth version danced in competitions has a slower tempo and was made popular by Fred Astaire. The International Standard foxtrot, slower still, is sometimes called the “slow foxtrot. That one has originated in the Victorian Era in England…

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