“When I first heard of TAPS, I thought it was too good to be true. A school where I get to dance everyday and learn about the professional world actually exists? It turned out to be everything I had hoped it would be, and more. [read more] We had the privilege of taking classes from the best of the best choreographers, dancers, and teachers out there. We have exceeded expectations in voice class, all thanks to our teachers. We have learned the ins and outs of the business and how to take care of our own business. We learned how to get professional headshots, make great resumes, and put together our own demo reels and websites. This type of school doesn’t exist anywhere else and there is no words to explain how great of an experience it is, unless you experience it for yourself. Don has taken us under his wing to insure we have everything we need to make it into the professional world of performing. It is now up to us to apply all that we have learned in just these six months. It is a lot for the brain to take in, and the body, but I have never been as happy as I am being here at TAPS. We have become a family, and we have struggled and grown so much together. These past six months have prepared me for what I want to do for the rest of my life. Without TAPS, I don’t even know if I would be pursuing my dream. I am not sure what the future holds, but any successes I receive, I owe all the credit to TAPS. It truly is the place “where dreams come true…” Can I come back next year?!?! Thank you for everything Big Guy. We love you. And wouldn’t be here without ya.”[/read]
“The past six months have been the best of my life. Coming to TAPS was the best decision I’ve ever made. The amount of knowledge and friends/connections I’ve gained is unreal. I would have never been able to have a dance career at 18 if [read more] I had stayed in Michigan or went to a university. There’s nothing in the country like this program and I’m proud to say that I am part of the second generation graduating class. Thanks Don Mirault for everything you do “[/read]
“I’m from the small town of Highland, Illinois. Im apart of the 2018 TAPS alumni. TAPS has been an integral part in my dance journey. This program gave me a taste of the real world and gave me an opportunity to make REAL connections, [read]such as agencies, and exceptional professional dancers/teachers. I knew I loved to dance. I needed to dance. I also knew I wanted to make a career out of it. TAPS showed me how to take my passion and turn it into a business. This program has opened doors to me that I would have never been able to find alone. The knowledge and experience I’ve gained is incomparable. The friends you make and dance with along the way share a special connection. We all have the drive, and want to be successful. The environment in every class had a hunger from each student that invigorated the entire room. It created each of us into professionals. It created lifelong friendships as well. The TAPS staff is well respected and the knowledge passed down has matured me into the dancer I am today. I am forever thankful for that. Your hard work at TAPS prevails as well. With the connections and training of TAPS I was able to understand the audition environment, and succeed in obtaining my very first contract with Norwegian Cruise Line. I’ve performed small gigs with BEST agency in Las Vegas until accepting my second contract from Norwegian. However due to Covid 19, My second contract was cut short in the rehearsal process. Not being able to dance, and have somewhere to showcase what I love, I took a creative outlet with video editing and concept videos. Being able to express my creativity and love of dance in one has been healing in these unprecedented times. Until then, training, and finding my niche has been my main focus. I know we’re all eager to be back and, I know each TAPS student will be ready with that hunger that made them choose TAPS in the first place.”[/read]
“Hi my name is Molly McKinnon! I am originally from Dallas, Texas and graduated from TAPS in Spring of 2020. I am so proud to be a TAPS alumni and cannot express how much TAPS has changed my life. After graduating high school I had a scholarship to attend a four year university and study dance. However, as soon as I found out about TAPS [read]I knew it was the right decision to jumpstart my career. This program gave me the knowledge and connections that I needed to be prepared to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Before TAPS I filmed the Netflix reality series Dancing Queen and Season 14 of America’s Got Talent. After graduating TAPS I had a 9 month contract with RWS Entertainment on their Azamara Cruise Line. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic that contract got put on hold. However, I am very fortunate that I have been able to stay busy during these trying times. I am currently dancing in Extravaganza- The Vegas Spectacular at Bally’s Hotel and Casino. I can’t help but feel beyond blessed to be preforming right now and can’t wait to see where 2021 takes us all!”[/read]
“Hi my name is Kensington Olesen and I’m from Amarillo, TX! I’m a 5th year TAPS Alumni, and I’m so proud to be apart of something so special. Like many others can say, TAPS quite literally changed my life. Not only was I able to continue my passion for dancing and performing, but my hunger grew for it as well! Every single day [read]I was inspired by my teachers and fellow dancers. I was so incredibly lucky to be in an atmosphere where I was surrounded by support, high energy, and realism. I feel like one of the greatest things I gained from the program, was acknowledging both my strengths and my weaknesses, and realizing where I can strive in my dance career, and how I can constantly improve in other areas!”
I’ve gotten the great opportunity of working with Doucette Entertainment during my time at TAPS, and got to be a showgirl at both NASCAR and Caesar’s Palace! After my year at TAPS ended, I was very fortunate to have a contract dancing and singing at Cedar Point for the summer and fall with a couple of other TAPS alumni!! I love seeing how my fellow classmates and I each have a different career path in the broad world of dance. There’s never ending possibilities and that’s the amazing thing about it! Even throughout this crazy time that we’re all going through, I love seeing how each member of TAPS is constantly working to be prepared when things start back up again!”[/read]

“Hi my name is Cassie Waldschmidt and I’m from Ellis,KS! I’m a fifth year TAPS alumni, and I am so grateful for all the great connections I have made during and following this amazing program. Everyday I am thankful to have the opportunity to pursue a career in this amazing art, [read]and TAPS help me learned exactly how to carry myself and make a great career. Through the six months I spent in this amazing program, I not only grew as a dancer, but as a person as well. I met some of the most inspiring people that helped me understand my weaknesses and utilize my strengths. I am forever grateful for the memories and friends I made though my time at TAPS, and am so excited to see where my dance journey takes me.
Although this year has been tough, I am so blessed to say that I had the opportunity to work as an extra in the amazon series Velvet Prozak! It was an amazing two days with such inspiring actors and I can’t wait to continue working in this industry!”[/read]
“After Graduating High School I knew I wanted to perform professionally, but I had no [read more]idea where to start. When Don told me about this new program he was starting in Las Vegas I knew right away it was where I needed to be! TAPS was my bridge from the competition world to the professional world. Right away, the first week we jumped right in. There was a whirlwind of knowledge. Our brains and bodies were so tired, but every class kept getting better and better! It takes people years to make the contacts and to learn what we learned in just six months at TAPS. I am so blessed to have gone through this program and I strongly suggest it to anyone that wants to go pro. There is no way I could have done this without TAPS! I can’t thank Don Mirault and the rest of the TAPS staff enough for everything they have done for me!”[/read]